Welcome to the Point Loma High School
Music Department
Music Department

In 2025, our Gala Fundraising Concert, Rhapsody on the Point, will feature a PLHS Alumni Band, celebrating the decades of achievement in music which our school represents. Please plan to join us on Saturday, April 19, and help us spread the word. All proceeds raised from Rhapsody support PLHSPA Music Boosters and PLHSPA Guitar/Choir Boosters.
If you are an alum interested in performing, please click here to get more information!
If you are an alum interested in performing, please click here to get more information!

Save the Date: Next Music Boosters Meeting!
Our next PLHS Music Boosters (= supporters) meeting is
Tuesday, March 4th at 6:00pm in the music room
Note: Zoom is not available at this time - looking for a "Zoom Host", someone with a Zoom account that we can use for meetings and who can be there in the room to facilitate - please contact [email protected] for more info.
Booster meetings occur on most first Tuesdays of most months, excluding holidays.
All parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Booster meeting dates and times are also updated on the calendar.
Ways to support your student's music program:
Please see this special welcome message from PLHSPA Music Boosters Board President, Stasi McAteer:
"Dear Parents, Friends, and Music Lovers, Welcome to the 2024-25 school year with PLHS Music! We are off to a great start, with a lot of excitement around our new Director, Sierra Johnson, and positive energy from the large incoming class of students and parents..." 2024-25 Music Parent Letter 2024 Music Boosters Membership Levels for Families 2024 Music Boosters Membership Levels for Corporate Sponsors THANK YOU TO OUR CORPORATE & FOUNDATION SPONSORS: |