Necessary Tools for all Clarinet Players
Recommended Instruments Buffet Crampon, Selmer, Leblanc
The clickable links above are recommended based on quality and value. These links are provided for a starting point--these models may be found for cheaper prices by shopping around. Before purchasing an instrument, make sure that you are able to try out the instrument (either used or new). Most music stores will allow you to do this, and many online suppliers have a reasonable return policy for this reason. There are many great used instruments out there, but just like purchasing a used vehicle, when purchasing a used instrument directly from another person, it is best to buy locally, as this will allow you to see the instrument in person and allow you to play the instrument as well. |
Recommended Reeds and Mouthpieces
One way to instantly improve tone production, control and timbre on a single reed instrument is to have a correct reed/mouthpiece combination. It is strongly recommended that single reed musicians purchase a high quality mouthpiece, as well as the correct thickness of reeds. |